So I gave in this year and let the boys pick the tree we would do. I am sure it is no surprise to some of you but yes is a STAR WARS tree this year. the boys are thrilled mom actually said yes this time. they had a great time finding things to put on it. but now that it is all decorated they are mad since mom wont let thel take their toys back off to play with during the day. :( they were told they would have to wait till January!! he he he he
you need to change the layout of your blog to minama then you will not get the original background showing through. if you want anyway. just go to customize and then to pick new template. Great tree. I am glad the sheets worked out for you.
That is hilarious!!! i love it!
What's with the star? You need to put Darth Vader's head up there.
you need to change the layout of your blog to minama then you will not get the original background showing through. if you want anyway.
just go to customize and then to pick new template. Great tree. I am glad the sheets worked out for you.
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