Saturday, December 20, 2008

Boys Tumbling xmas demos 2008

Joey and Daniel are having a lot of fun in their tumbling class this year! They are learning to be little dare devils as well. much to moms dismay! they love learning new skills and can never wait to get home to show their dad their new tumbling routines.

Nathan is in the older boys class and is improving greatly. He struggled at first being coordinated---jeff is his dad you know. But he really likes going to class to learn flips and to go on the trampoline. He is convinced that this is helping him get better at baseball so what ever works I guess!!


Rob and Bec said...
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Rob and Bec said...

I love your blog, and of course i dont mind if you visit mine, please do and often

Jessica said...

So I am a blogging freak too! I hope it's okay that I found it! You just have such a great family!